Flame Mitigation Changes to Rieke Flex Spouts

We want to update you on the latest developments regarding Flame Mitigation Devices (FMDs) and their availability.
Compliance Deadline Extended
The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has granted a six-month extension for the implementation of FMDs. The new compliance date is now January 12, 2025. This extension provides additional time for businesses to prepare and ensure full compliance with the new regulations. For now, it mainly applies to fuel products.
This regulation applies to all steel pails with:
- 5 gallons or less in capacity
- Contents with liquid flashpoints less than 140°F
FMD Flex Spout Availability
We are pleased to inform you that the Rieke FMD-equipped Flex Spout should be available in Fall 2024.
We understand that some of our customers also require an irradiated version of the Flex Spout. We are happy to confirm that Rieke will offer this variant alongside the standard FMD-equipped Flex Spout. Rieke has already created a part number for the FMD Flex Spout irradiated FS-1 and are accepting orders at this writing.
FMD Flex Spout Photos
Below you can see the new FMD-equipped Flex Spout. Those familiar with Flex Spouts in the past will notice the new steel mesh grating inside (yellow arrows are pointing at this new addition).
Next Steps
As we approach the release date, our team is working diligently alongside Rieke to ensure a smooth rollout. These new FMD-equipped Flex Spouts will be available at all four of our steel pail plants and can be ordered as soon as they are approved. Non FMD-equipped Flex Spouts will remain available for purchase as well.
We strongly encourage you to review your product specifications to determine whether these new flame mitigation devices are required for your steel pails. Please check with your team to ensure your products do or do not require these new flame mitigation Rieke Flex Spouts!! CSC is not responsible if you order a pail without a required flame mitigation device!
For further details, please refer to the official CPSC announcement here or learn more about preventing factory fires in Rieke’s informative article here.
As always, our customer service, sales, and technical support teams are available to answer any questions or provide additional information. Please don’t hesitate to reach out through our website: www.cscpails.com/locate
Thank you for your continued partnership and trust in Cleveland Steel Container.
Dan Roether
Vice President of Sales